Knowledge Management and Performance at the Kenya Revenue Authority in Nairobi City County, Kenya

Ngatia Debra Wanjiku, Janesther Karugu


The effect of knowledge management on the performance of the Kenya Revenue Authority is of core focus here. Over a long period of time, human civilizations have grappled with the capacity to efficiently handle and transfer information within their confines. From the onset of organized settlement ranging from the early agrarian era to the commerce driven industrial revolution, the value of gen has exponentially grown to become paramount to the efficient running of any organizational structure. The study’s main objective was to unearth how knowledge management alters the performance of the Kenya Revenue Authority. Knowledge administration methodology can help a firm to; induce people to proffer their insight deliberately for a company’s utilization, accomplish particular preferred standpoint through full abuse of a company’s information base, form institutional memory and shield it from prying contenders. It can impact among others an effective hierarchical change. However, previously before adopting KM in its operations, KRA was falling behind in core performance components of strategy, planning, consultation and implementation. There was absence of the necessity of addressing knowledge, which entails deciding on sharing, the persons with whom to share it and using it which resulted in contrasting performances on revenue collection over the last five years. There was no consistent value from knowledge within the organization, which is attained when their motivation for people to share and utilize knowledge, when there exist procedural processes to formulate knowledge, and, when need arises, there is access to technology and make knowledge relatively simple to find and share. Knowledge transfer was inexistent. The study’s specific objectives were to determine the types of knowledge at the Kenya Revenue Authority, to find the knowledge management enablers at the Kenya Revenue Authority and to determine the measures taken by the Kenya Revenue Authority to manage the knowledge and improve its performance. The literature review of the study deploys the theories of knowledge management, performance and competence. The empirical literature includes types of knowledge, knowledge management enablers, knowledge management techniques and tools as well as knowledge management strategies. The study employed a descriptive cross sectional survey. A sample of 60 KRA employees from a total of 1200 based at the headquarters were surveyed. Primary data was collected from the respondents using a 5-scale Likert type questionnaire. The quantitative data collected was analyzed utilizing both Excel spreadsheet and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Median and mode was computed for central tendency while the inter quartile range was used as a measure of dispersion. Percentages and frequencies were utilized to present part of the findings. Pseudo R square statistics were utilized as a measure of relationship between knowledge administration procedure (autonomous variable) and execution. The study revealed that, KRA has introduced knowledge management in its operations with a mean of 5.1 and a coefficient of variation of 0.21. The study further revealed that, majority of the respondents agree, that knowledge leadership enabled the establishment of knowledge management in the organization. It also reveals that knowledge management enabled the entrenchment of the business imperative at KRA. Also, knowledge management is anchored on the technology infrastructure of KRA and has improved knowledge sharing and usage while reducing lack of knowledge retention and transfer.

Key Words: Knowledge Management, Strategic Management, Organization Performance, Kenya Revenue Authority in Nairobi City County

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About the Authors:

  • Ngatia Debra Wanjiku– Correspondent Author, Department of Business Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • Janesther Karugu– Department of Business Administration, Kenyatta University, Kenya