Payment of Publication fee

The publishing house is funded by payments that are made by authors, their institution or funding bodies. The payments are commonly known as Article Publishing Charges (APCs) or simply publication fee. Effective October 1, 2021, Journals hosted under platform will charge APCs of USD 100 per article submitted and accepted. Full waivers on APCs apply as per waiver policy.

Reviewers have no access to author payment information, and hence inability to pay will not influence the decision to publish a paper. Further, APCs are payable after editorial and peer review and article is accepted. 

In line with the journal objective of promoting open access publishing, inability to raise the fee does not necessarily hinder authors who cannot pay the opportunity to publish with us. 100% waiver of the fees applies depending on the country, authors and editorial team consideration. This changes from time to time as we keep all aspects of our organization under constant review, including pricing, costs, improvements in technology, alternative revenue streams such as advertising and sponsorship, philanthropic support, and membership to ensure sustainability.

The publication fee does not depend on the numbers of pages, figures or tables.

Publication fee plays a major role in advancing the open access opportunity to all across the world. It costs money to produce a peer-reviewed, edited, and formatted article that is ready for online publication, and to host it on a server that is accessible around the clock.

The APC fee covers publication, perpetual archiving of articles, editing, peer review costs and assessment costs. The journal does not charge for article submission and access to published articles.

Publication fees will only be refunded less the transaction charges if publication had not been done due to reasons out of author control. An official application for refund with justification must be made on timely basis. For rejected papers where the publication fee had been paid, full refund will be made.