We believe the research cannot achieve the intended objectives without observing ethics on the entire process. Consequently, publication is done in line with the following ethical policy guidelines:
- Originality: The author by publishing with us declares that the work is own original creation and all sources have been dully cited. Ijcab will subject the received manuscripts to originality test and reject the submissions if they do not meet the originality threshold.
- Confidentiality: Ijcab shall at all times observe confidentiality of the author, peer reviewers, advisors and partners. Ijcab abide to not distributing whatsoever the works received or any personal information received unless under the prevailing laws requiring such disclosure.
- Research results misappropriation: No manipulation of results will be done by the journal editors. Authors commit that the results are verifiable and representative of the study findings. To this effect, the journal may request for raw data where verification is required.
- Reviewer policy: Double blind review approach will be applied on all papers received. Peer reviewers commits themselves to lack of conflict of interest, discriminatory review process and objectivity. Quality is the sole basis against acceptance or rejection of received manuscripts.
- Disclosure and conflicts of interest: Authors at all times when making submissions must disclosure of all relationships that could be viewed as presenting a potential conflict of interest.
- Fundamental errors in published works: When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal editor or publisher to correct the paper. This must be done within thirty days from publication date.
- Use of people and animal images: This is not allowed unless with full consent from the respondents and same reviewed by the ethics committee. Statement of compliance to human and animal rights in such cases must be signed by the authors.
- Complaints: Any complaints received via editor@ijcab.og will be reviewed by a committee and feedback provided to the complainant. The complaints will be treated confidentially and used to improve processes.
- Our editors are members of and subscribe to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics.