Information Communication Technology Integration and Performance of Public Secondary Schools in Mombasa County, Kenya

By Soi Leonida Chepkorir, Dr John Kandiri Abstract Global investment in ICT to improve teaching and learning in schools have been initiated by many governments. Despite all these investments on ICT infrastructure and professional development to improve education in many countries, ICT adoption and integration in teaching and learning have …

Assessment of the Relevance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Cassava production in Isoko North Local Government Area, Delta State, Nigeria

By: Tibi, K.N; and Oyem, A Abstract Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are new technologies that cannot be ignored in Africa especially for the development of the agricultural sector. This is because, ICT is one of the main driving forces that can bring about development and change in this present …

Influence of demographic determinants on preconception care preparedness among women seeking postnatal and family planning services at the maternity unit of Coast General Hospital, Mombasa County Kenya

By: Joyce Bonareri Ombacho and Dr. Abednego Ongeso Abstract Preconception care consists of the thorough and systematic evaluation of a non-gravid woman who intends to become pregnant. Interventions prior to conception can promote the health and well-being of mothers and improve subsequent pregnancy and child health outcomes. Despite pre-conception care …

Influence of Demographic Factors Associated with Psychological Effects of Caesarean Section on Mothers Delivered at Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya

By: Rebecca Paye Vanahor, Dr Blasio Osogo Omuga and Dr. Waithira Mirie Abstract The rate of Caesarean section delivery being undertaken is rising both locally and internationally. Though Caesarean Section is aimed at ensuring safe deliveries in complicated conditions, the exact post effect it has on the mother’s psychology is …

Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance in the Telecommunication Sector in Kenya: A Case of Telkom Kenya Limited

By: Christopher O. Otera and Dr. Lawrence Wainaina Abstract Globalization and increased e-commerce has heightened the level of competition between organizations as they seek to have a competitive advantage over their peers in the industry. Subsequently, the need to attain company objectives has become paramount and therefore the productivity and …

Effect of Outsourcing on Organisation Performance among Commercial Banks in Mombasa County, Kenya

By: Rehema B. Kigwe, Rugami Maina Abstract Outsourcing can be of benefit to a company provided it enters the right relationship with the right vendor, evaluated and managed appropriately. Improvements such as high productivity, efficiency and cost reduction and control may be achieved through outsourcing. However, it is possible that …

Financial Innovation and the Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya

By: Osman Noor Ahmed, Dr. Lucy Wamugo Abstract There has been slow growth in the profitability of commercial banks as a result of increased operating expenses as these banks transition to more innovative products. Local banks have been experiencing great losses and have not been able to realize more earnings …

Total Quality Management Practices and Performance of Garissa County Government, Kenya

By: Mohamed Omar Abdullahi, Godfrey Kinyua Abstract County governments in Kenya are working on achieving maximum quality possible both on the services and products offered. As a result all the Counties have opted for the adoption of Total Quality Management. Despite the widespread use of Total Quality Management still most …

Organisational Culture as a Predictor of Employee Commitment: A Study of Management Support Staff of College of Technology Education of the University of Education, Winneba, Ghana

By: Goddana Mensima DARKO, Akua Ahyia ADU-OPPONG, Emma Darkoaa AIKINS Abstract A fit between organizational culture and employees’ values enhances their commitment towards service excellence. Hence assessing organisational culture is critical to engendering employee commitment. This study was therefore conducted to examine the influence of organizational culture on the commitment …

Learner Characteristics and Educational Attainment among High School Students in Kenya

By Manasi Echaune September, 2018 Abstract This study examined the contribution of learner characteristics being gender, age, prior attainment, family size and parental involvement to educational attainment in among high school students in Busia County, Kenya. The study adopted descriptive survey design.  The study hypothesized that gender, family size, age, …